Our Presidents Message to Chapter...

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Well, riding season for 2024 is definitely in the rear view mirror! Christmas is just a few days away, and soon it will be 2025. We have exciting things coming in the new year! Our chapter is honored to be hosting our 4th state convention. Dates are May 16-18th. Being held at South Wood County Park Campgrounds. The flyer and registration will be posted within our pages. Register early. We're going to feed you well, have two rides, awesome raffle prizes, as well as some new stuff! This past year, I was honored to be elected as GLRC International Representative. I'm learning a lot, and enjoying the new duties. Our chapter is growing. If you are thinking of joining, contact me! Meanwhile, let's remember our loed ones who no longer are with us, treasure those who are, and make this new year the best we are able! Getting out and putting your knees in the breeze helps with this! Especially, if you are riding with fellow Blue Knights!